You are currently viewing Crave Restaurant in Kilimani-Nairobi; Menu, Prices,Photos & Review

Crave Restaurant in Kilimani-Nairobi; Menu, Prices,Photos & Review

This post reviews Crave restaurant in Kilimani, Nairobi, providing all the details you need to decide if it’s worth a visit. Kilimani is renowned and super-rich for its plethora of decent restaurants- like it is a neighborhood affair only rivaled by Westlands.

At Crave, the vibe is comfortable with excellent service and a simple, elegant aesthetic. Out of the 20+ restaurants I’ve reviewed on this blog, Crave is the first to earn a 5/5 star rating. It strikes a perfect balance in all aspects, making it nearly flawless.

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The hospitality here is so good they might adopt you, the food is fantastic, and the prices won’t make your wallet cry. Previously, I thought CJ’s was the best all-around affordable restaurant, but Crave has blown it out of the water. Sorry, CJ’s – you’ve been Craved.

Also Read: Restaurant Review: CJs Nairobi CBD

The menu mainly showcases local cuisine in bite-sized portions. Being a halal joint, Crave doesn’t do the whole booze thing. So, if you’re craving a pint with your samosas, you might have to rethink your strategy.


This restaurant is quite affordable. You can dine for less than 1,000, and splurging KSh 2,000 per person is excessive, leaving you with more food than you can finish. I think 1,500 per person is sufficient, even including a drink.

Despite being so affordable, the place doesn’t feel cheap in any way. A full breakfast costs under 800 shillings, and bites like pies and samosas, which come in groups of 3-4 units, cost no more than 400 bob.

The menu itself is extensive. I’m impressed, to say the least.

Location | Getting Here

Getting here is easy. It’s located next to Ad Life Plaza and almost directly opposite Yaya Centre. For public transport, you can take bus route 46 from Kencom, and you’ll be dropped off near either of these landmarks.

The restaurant is specifically at Ring Road Kilimani at Zafara Tower, where it occupies a portion of the ground and first floor.


Ambiance | Crave Restaurant
Ambiance | Crave Restaurant

I usually judge a restaurant almost entirely on the quality of the food, assuming there’s a basic level of ambiance – you know, as long as it’s clean and doesn’t look like it’s been through a war zone like Between Two Buns. Beyond that, the decor is whatever.

But the ambiance here? Wow. It’s simple and elegant. Normally, if a place has a good ambiance, it means the food is awful, and the decor is trying too hard. Here, everything is white – so white it feels like you’ve died and gone to heaven. Seriously, it’s like a tribute to the color white. Ceiling lights, seats, walls, tiles – if it’s not white, it’s not here.

To break up the white monotony, they’ve added some greenery. Well, fake greenery. Yes, they’re fake, but surprisingly, they do liven up the place. Who knew fake plants could make such a difference? Apparently, someone did, and here we are.

Ambiance | Crave Restaurant

The seats here are so comfortable they practically hug you, almost as good as the ones in Daily Cafe. Unlike the disappointments at The Location Rooftop a few meters away from Crave Restaurant.

If you’re coming as a group and want one of the big tables or couches, make sure to book in advance. For one or two people, don’t worry about a reservation. The place isn’t that busy, even on a Friday night – apparently, everyone else missed the memo.


Menu | Crave Restaurant
Menu | Crave Restaurant

The menu here is so big and almost overwhelming, there is a variety of starters, snacks and mains. The drinks menu is however not that big, this makes sense as no alcohol-based drinks are served, mostly fruit juice and, they have mojitos but they’re essentially virgin mojitos they don’t have alcohol

Crave Restaurant Menu
Crave Restaurant Menu
Crave Restaurant Menu
Crave Restaurant Menu

Food & Drink Review

Burger | Crave Restaurant
Burger | Crave Restaurant

The burgers here are surprisingly decent—none of those comically oversized monstrosities like at Between Two Buns, nor the artificially tasting burgers from Burger King. The bakery on the ground floor promised a good bun, and it delivered—fluffy, airy, just right.

My burger had double beef patties, cucumbers, shredded lettuce, and tomato. It was a BBQ burger, so they didn’t hold back on the smoky sauce. The cheese looked a bit too “plastic fantastic” but ended up tasting right. Honestly, though, the highlight was definitely those perfect buns.

Burger | Crave Restaurant
Burger | Crave Restaurant

They offered extra cheese for an additional 150 bob (a small price for salvation), and burgers here don’t come with sides unless you add them. I opted for decent chips—not the greatest, but just right.

Certainly, miles better than the abysmal fries you’d get at Big Square, which is arguably the worst in existence. Speaking of disappointing fries, Sonford’s are pretty bad too, but that’s somewhat expected given their restaurant caliber and budget constraints, but this isn’t an excuse for Big Square who also served me the worst onion rings to ever walk the planet.

As for Big Square, their burgers aren’t terrible—just average to okay. The buns are mediocre, the patties tend to be chewy and dry, and the sauce doesn’t save them. They can’t compare to this juicy burger I had at Crave, where the patties are cooked almost medium rare, retaining their juiciness perfectly. You don’t get to choose how your burger is cooked but Crave nailed it exactly how I like it.

If I were to create a burger tier list for Nairobi, Crave would definitely be an S-tier.

Virgin Passion Mojito | Crave Restaurant
Virgin Passion Mojito | Crave Restaurant

I went with a passionate virgin mojito for my drink, and let me tell you, it was the most intensely passionate passion drink I’ve ever encountered.

Not in a sour or bitter way, mind you, but in a “wow, that’s concentrated sweetness” kind of manner. They even garnished it with passion fruit seeds, for that extra authentic touch.

Sadly, I can’t give it a full five-star rating; it’s just a tad too sweet—like they squeezed a whole orchard into my glass with all sugar in existence. Apart from that, though, every flavor was lively and kicking, from the fresh mint to the zingy lemon.


The reception here is unparalleled compared to any other restaurant I’ve visited. It’s genuinely personalized, making you feel like you’re in a five-star establishment. They even escort you to your seat—it’s so good, and makes you feel more special than you actually are. BURN!

The food does take a bit of time. It’s not the quickest wait, but it’s not unbearable either. However, the service begins the moment you sit down, which is definitely a plus.

Ratings & Final Thoughts?

Crave might not boast five-star status, but in my book, it earns a solid five stars. Everything here is practically faultless—believe me, I’m an expert complainer, but I couldn’t fault this place if I tried.

Having reviewed over 20 restaurants and cafes and visited over 50; If someone asked for just one affordable restaurant recommendation in Nairobi, Crave would be my top pick without hesitation.


Just so we’re clear, this isn’t a paid review, I genuinely love the place—and I forked over my cash (generated from ads in this blog) for this review.

And in case you were wondering, I don’t do paid reviews because, let’s face it, they tend to mess with your judgment and once you’re biased there’s no point in calling it a restaurant review.

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