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Stoney Tangawizi: A Pleasantly Unique African Soda

Stoney is Coca-Cola’s spicy rebel of a soda, sold across East and Southern Africa. Think of it as ginger soda’s bold, unapologetic cousin—the one that laughs at ginger ale for being too soft.

Launched in 1971, Stoney has stuck to its original recipe, with just a few tweaks over the years. In East Africa, particularly Kenya and Tanzania, it is named Stoney Tangawizi—“Tangawizi” being Swahili for ginger. But honestly, everyone calls it Stoney because no one has time to spell out its full government name.

And let’s be real: Stoney is intense. It’s not just the most fiery soda in the region—it’s probably one of the boldest sodas you’ll ever taste. It’s like a ginger-powered punch to the taste buds; somehow, we keep returning for more.

How is Stoney Unique?


Think of Stoney as ginger ale’s wild, overachieving cousin who didn’t settle for mild and sweet but cranked up everything to an 11.

The carbonation? Aggressive. The gingeriness? Unrelenting. The bitterness? Oh, it’s there, and it’s unapologetic. And yes, “gingeriness” is officially a word now. You’re welcome.

If ginger ale is a drink for schoolgirls, Stoney is for men—and not just any men, but those with chest hair who also happen to chop firewood for fun.

The moment you crack open a bottle, you’ll know you’re in for a ride. That first hiss of escaping gas is so pungent it could double as pepper spray.

If you dare sniff too close, prepare for a coughing fit, watery eyes, and a runny nose. Not exaggerating. Stoney does not come to play.

And if you think that smell is the peak of it, oh no—those are just the warm-up acts. Take a sip, and you’re greeted by a misleadingly subtle sweetness.

Then the ginger takes center stage, hitting the back of your throat like it’s auditioning for a kung fu movie. Cue throat-clearing, tongue-tingling, and an aftertaste of bitterness—the good kind, if you’re into that.

Oh, and let’s not forget the carbonation. It’s as intense as Coke, maybe even more. Every sip feels like a mini explosion in your mouth. Stoney isn’t just a drink; it’s a full-contact sport.

Ingredients in Stoney

  • Carbonated Water
  • Acidulant (Citric Acid)
  • Flavor (Ginger)
  • Stabilizers (Acacia Gum, Sucrose Acetate Isobutyrate)
  • Preservative ( Pottasium Sorbate)
  • Non-Nutritive Sweeteners

*Contains a source of Phenylalanine

Nutrition Information

Per 100ml, Stoney gives you a whopping 2.3kJ (that’s 0.5 kcal if you’re counting) and 4mg of sodium. In other words, it’s practically a diet drink—no guilt here.

But here’s the catch: the version you find these days is sugar-free. If you’re after the OG Stoney made with cane sugar, you’ll have to hunt down the glass bottle version. And trust me, it’s worth the effort—punchier, bolder, and way more flavorful than its sugar-free sibling.

Honestly, the sugar-free version tries too hard to be sweet, while the cane sugar one is all about that intense ginger kick. So, if you want the full Stoney experience, go for the glass bottle.

Plus, we all know sodas taste better from glass bottles anyway—it’s a universal truth no one can explain but everyone agrees on.

Oh, and if you’re in South Africa, they’ve upped the game with Stoney in cans and even three different variations of ginger soda. But at the end of the day, it’s still all about the ginger—no matter what package it comes in. But surprisingly, Stoney there is marketed as a ginger beer while in East Africa it is a ginger soda

Benefits of Drinking Stoney?

For some reason, a lot of locals swear by Stoney as if it’s some kind of health potion. Spoiler alert: it’s not.

At the end of the day, Stoney is still a soda, and sodas aren’t exactly on the health food pyramid. The whole “beneficial” myth comes from the fact that it’s a ginger drink, and everyone knows ginger has a rep for being a miracle root.

But here’s the twist: Stoney doesn’t even use real ginger. It’s all ginger flavor. So, if you’re expecting those magical ginger health benefits, sorry to burst your bubble.

So you want the real deal, go for a dawa drink—those actually have real ginger (and mint, for bonus points).

The only “benefit” I’d give Stoney credit for is being refreshing—and maybe doubling as a DIY decongestant when you’ve got the flu.

That intense ginger punch can clear your nostrils in no time. Plus, it’s great for itchy throats; one sip, and you’ll feel it punch the itch right out of there. Functional? Sure. Healthy? Not so much.

Check Out All Kenyan Sodas & Cold Beverages Here


I imagine of myself as a “professional food reviewer”. (I know, its amazing being this delusional) you may be wondering what the prerequisites are, and that would be; being dropped on your head as a child, it takes zero skills or talent to be me.

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